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Broken Blue Download Xp


Updated: Mar 21, 2020

About This Game Broken Blue is a Puzzle Solving VR Game that utilizes an innovative interface to allow the player to traverse and explore the game’s content. In Broken Blue the player assumes the role of “Blue” an AI who’s program and systems have become broken down by the flow of time. Blue is supposed to be the guardian of a mountain machine and the protector of the monkey monks who dwell there. Follow Blue and their guide “The Caretaker” through a series of puzzles to repair Blue’s systems and restore Blue’s Consciousness to full functionality. 6d5b4406ea Title: Broken BlueGenre: Casual, Free to Play, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:BacklotRealitiesPublisher:Cacti Council, BacklotRealitiesRelease Date: 5 Dec, 2016 Broken Blue Download Xp broken blue box. broken blue bully belt. not broken blue october lyrics. broken blue crystal asteroid eve. broken blue netherland dwarf. broken bow blue moon cabin. broken ankle blue foot. broken bow deja blue. shades of blue broken dolls. broken leg bluejuice. broken bay blue water fishing charters. broken blue circle logo. broken blue slate. broken and blue gorillaz. broken blue spruce. blue broken blood vessels. broken anymore blue october. still broken blue october. broken blue otter holland lop. broken blue kyanite. iphone screen broken blue lines. broken blue hundred waters. broken capillaries blue veins. broken foot blue cast. broken hand blue fingers. broken blue bully belt walkthrough. broken toe is blue. broken blueprint. broken clear blue digital. broken blue tablet. broken wrist blue fingers. broken blue cards mtg. broken blue point holland lop. broken blue blood palette. broken blue kits. iphone broken blue screen. broken blu ray Overall, I think the game has a lot of potential. My basic problem with the game is not motion (I got used to it really quickly, for some reason), but the fact that it kept stopping. I had to play it 4 times (always from the beginning! ARg!) to get the second puzzle to finish. The yellow bits kept moving to outside the cube, making it impossible to finish. I've made it through the 4th puzzle now, and it froze again. I can't move, and I'm sitting here staring at the monkey pressing on it's pads... The game won't let me do anything again, so I can't go on to the last puzzle.I had a lot of problems with the game controls in that they kept wandering around; my pointers wouldn't stay on the ends of my controllers, but kept moving in and out. That made the second and fourth puzzle a bit difficult, as I'd grab for a corner, and I wouldn't know what it was grabbing, etc. Finaly made it, only to have it stop again. I'm assuming there was a motion of some sort after the 4th puzzle, my screen just went blank then back to the monkey, and I was stuck. Not sure I want to play it again to try and hope I can get past it..Anyway, I think the screen controls are fine; grab with one hand, and I could spin and move while holding another piece, etc. Cool! Now, if they just kept working cleanly... yes, I was plagued with "stuck" buttons as well. Would like to see what else you have in mind.... I barely had a chance to get through the tutorial, I saw the monkey monks once, very breifly, and then I needed to stop playing due to an insane amount of motion sickness. I even tried playing another game that I had played before with no problems, but any tiny bit of glitch, and my stomach flipped, I needed to literally end my VR gaming session after playing for 20 minutes, and I felt sick to my stomach for at least an hour afterwards.Until the movement mechanic is fixed, I will not even be able to attempt to play this game again.. I liked this demo. The visuals were cool and I love the scaling of the world.. Took me about an hour to finish but i loved it all. Short tutorial, one easy puzzle followed by about 5 challenging ones that will make you yell at orange monkeys. Better than some paid games for VR out at the moment. Would love to see more, maybe the ending could lead to another planet/structure with different mechanics to solve puzzles?. Some good ideas and lots of potential but needs loads more work.



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